Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Shameless Self Promotion

...a bit of shameless self promotion here, not much more. My first official design contract has been completed, and can be viewed at

I'm very happy with the results (and the pay) and am now receiving more clients and doing more work. Any feedback on the site (from a design perspective, at any rate) would be greatly appreciated and I look forward to new and exciting projects coming my way. Currently 3 projects are on the docket, but I welcome more.

So yeah, in case you were wondering... I am available for hire.

~Jimmy "Shangri-La" the G.


This post has a Shenanaganary rating of:
"Show me the MONEY."

1 comment:

  1. if thats a site you actualy designed, you need to fix up this cruddy blog's design. its not that good looking
